COMPANY OVERVIEW COMPONENTS -How old is the company? When it was started and by who? -Industry type, size (ex.: fortune 500 company providing networking solutions, start up...) -Start-up?/Fortune 500? -Spin-off of another company? Competitors? -Private/Public? -Number of locations. How big? -Any Outsourcing? -Size of QA/development team or department -Company products? -Business model (SaaS, free tool/service, advertisement based. APPLICATION UNDER TEST OVERVIEW COMPONENTS -SDLC, development techniques and approaches (ex.: SDLC Agile using Test Driven Development) -Platform Type ( ex.: Web, Windows, Mobile) -Targeted audience (ex.: IT professionals, gamers...) -Business goal and model (ex.: SaaS - pay per service model) -At which stage of SDLC -Technology used (ex. Java based web application, Apache Tomcat...) -Emotional response (what was your impression: like or not, self-explanatory, user-friendly) -Competitors that develop similar/competing applications -Common WEB Application Components, Features, Functionality -Professional opinion about application -Any problems that you observed INTERVIEW QUESTIONS TO PREPARE FOR -Tell me about yourself? (watch the video) -Why should I hire you? (watch the video) -Why do you want to be in QA field? -Tell me about the application you tested as a study project?> -Tell me about the company, which developed the study project application -What were your responsibilities in testing that application? -How did you do (regression testing, browser compatibility testing, write test cases, write bug reports) -Give me a few examples of the bugs you found -Write test cases for testing Login-Password dialog box, “Email” text field